Beetroot red velvet cupcakes

  • Post published:December 20, 2017

Yep, we’re back to the beetroot! It makes an amazing baking ingredient and you won’t need to add any food colouring to your batter to achieve that luxurious red colour. We definitely think you should give our beetroot red velvet cupcakes a try this weekend.

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Read more about the article Tropical coconut water punch
Tropical coconut water punch

Tropical coconut water punch

  • Post published:March 10, 2017

Since its arrival on the foodie scene, coconut water has been hailed as nature’s own miracle drink. Its wild popularity has led many to question its supposed nutritional value, dismissing the flavoursome water as just another passing health trend. But don’t be fooled. Coconut water is wonderfully hydrating too. The clear liquid found inside young, green coconuts (not to be confused with coconut milk) contains five essential electrolytes: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium and potassium. You’ve probably heard the claims that this sweet water has anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic and anti-thrombotic effects, but this hasn’t been proven yet.

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Read more about the article Beetroot and sweet-potato soup
Beetroot and sweet potato soup

Beetroot and sweet-potato soup

  • Post published:December 9, 2016

It may seem strange, but these two roots when paired are a match made in heaven. This soup is wonderfully easy, with a complex taste that will have your guests wondering how long you spent slaving away over it! In fact, it’s perfect on all fronts: easy on the pocket and just as good served chilled on a boiling summer day as it is piping hot in winter.

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