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Discover the benefits of Fulvic Acid with Bettamed®

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and flu season approaching, we need to make sure we are taking all the steps to optimise our natural defence systems, and Fulvic Acid may be the key to great health.

It’s common knowledge that minerals and nutrients are required for a range of biochemical processes in our bodies, but we are seeing more and more deficiencies each day, and even the food we eat nowadays doesn’t always contain the vitamin and mineral content that we need. Plus, most supplements do not absorb well enough to correct the shortfall.

So, what is there to do to make sure we stay healthy? Fulvic Acid is one of the most vital nutrients for our health and well-being, and not just another nutrient that we are seeing less of in our food. It’s actually the most important health-building compound because it is nature’s intended vehicle for transporting minerals and other nutrients into living cells in our bodies.

What is Fulvic Acid?
Fulvic Acid is a very small molecule (or- of low molecular weight). This, along with the fact that it is water soluble at all pH levels, makes it an exceptional transport mechanism in the body. Here are a few more amazing benefits of Fulvic Acid:

  • It brings superior antioxidant benefits
  • Removes toxins and infection from the body- as waste
  • Delivers nutrients to the body’s cells

Where did it go?
While attempting to kill the pests and weeds and bolster plant production, the chemicals used in agriculture have inadvertently destroyed friendly troops, such as Fulvic Acid, in the soil jungle. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides were created to kill insects, control weeds and increase crop yields. Yet, despite the increased amount of food, these modern farming practices have taken a toll on the soils’ microbes, plant nutrients, and in turn it has impacted our health. The price of growing food this way is dramatically altering the natural recycling process required in nature, and the downstream effects on our health is growing.

Fulvic Acid - Bettamed

CHD-FA – The Missing Puzzle Piece
Many people are feeling the effects of low nutrient absorption, even in the presence of a good diet with regular intake of supplemental vitamins and minerals. And although Fulvic Acid is the missing puzzle piece for many people seeking increased health, most supplements come from sources that are ground-sourced and are contaminated with heavy metals like aluminium, lead, mercury and even arsenic.

This is where internationally patented (pure plant-sourced) CHD-FA, Carbohydrate derived Fulvic Acid, from Bettamed® products comes in. Bettamed® Cleanse and Recover Capsules (or liquid-in glass packaging) has a well-established product safety profile which delivers the benefits of clean Fulvic Acid products. Whether you are fighting an infection, rebuilding health, or optimising Immune for extra COVID-19 protection, simply add Bettamed®’s CHD-FA daily to help your body absorb and use much needed nutrients.

The CHD-FA molecule is also a highly active carbon, hydrogen, molecular oxygen (more available oxygen) and enables better electrolyte balance. This means that it’s able to recharge rundown cells, allowing them to carry an extended electrical charge and survive longer. CHD-FA molecules also act like mini-batteries, going around and charging cells that it comes in contact with and raising their voltage. When our cell’s membranes are fully charged, nutrients can get inside cells more easily. When nutrients are inside cells they are available for biochemical processes that support our immune system and well-being.

Nature’s answer
CHD-FA supplementation is a powerful addition to our immune-system weaponry and an ideal solution to the problem that man has created with over-farming and the production of processed foods. It can assist with toxins and depleted nutrients in food, making it an absolute essential to a healthy diet.

Bettamed® is available from Dis-chem, Alpha Pharm, Wellness Warehouse and The Local Choice Pharmacies. or find them on Facebook

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Photography: Courtesy Images

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