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7 Tips To Perfect Your Next Risotto

Creamy, gooey yumminess that melts in your mouth – why would anyone want to avoid cooking this mouth-watering Italian dish? Here are a few tips to help you make a risotto that will leave your special someone wanting more and more…

1. Use short-grain risotto rice  

If your rice is mushy and can be moulded into a ball, you’ve gone too far. Risotto rice, just like pasta, should be al dente – you want a little bite. Arborio rice is your best bet. This type of rice slurp up all the flavours of the stock and kick out the lovely thick, smooth texture we know and love.  

2. Cook your rice slowly  

Patience is the name of the game with risotto, so before you start, get into your zen space. Stir your dish often and never leave it unattended – you might risk it boiling over.  

3. Never rinse your rice 

Risotto rice contains a starch that helps your rice develop its texture – why would you want to wash all of that away?  

4. Use the right pan 

If you have a cast iron pan – perfect! Second prize is a deep pot with a heavy bottom. Because risotto needs time to cook and simmer, this type of pot will prevent burning.  


 5. Warm stock, always 

Prepare your stock in a separate pot and make sure it’s warm before you add it to your risotto rice. The last thing you want is for your rice to go into shock – which is what will happen when you add cold stock. Add your warm stock bit by bit to avoid overwhelming your rice, making sure that liquid has been absorbed by the rice before adding in the rest of the stock. You want your risotto to absorb the flavours slowly to allow its delicious texture to develop.  

6. Serve your risotto immediately 

The longer your risotto sits, the more moisture the rice will absorb, taking it from al dente to mushy. Nobody has time for mushy risotto, especially after all the love and patience you poured into your risotto at the beginning of your cook.  

7. Don’t forget the final touches 

After all the stock is absorbed, remove your pot from the stove, wait a couple of minutes and add a generous amount of butter, Parmesan and fresh herbs to give your risotto that deliciously creamy texture.  

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