You are currently viewing 4 delicious ways to use the rest of your chicken

4 delicious ways to use the rest of your chicken

Whether you roast it in the oven, charr it over the coals or use it in stews and curries – we love the versatility of the humble whole chicken. But what do you do with the less-popular bits, such as the liver and bones?

Here are four parts of the chicken you may have thrown away, but which can create a hearty wholesome meal instead: 


Stock is the hero of the kitchen, saving us from bland meals everywhere! Use the leftover carcass to make hearty chicken stock. Cover the bones and leftover scraps of meat with water and boil on the stovetop. It’s a rich base for stews and soups and adds a depth of flavour to any dish. Pour the stock into ice trays to freeze and store the cubes in Ziploc bags. That way, you can take out small amounts as needed. 

Use these tips to make the perfect homemade stock. 


Chicken skin is infamous for being the fatty part of the bird – often making people cut it off and throw it out. But why waste all that flavour? Fry it in a pan or bake it on an oven tray until it’s crispy. The heat hardens and shrinks the skin to create a delicious crackling. Let them dry and cool off on a paper towel before serving. Enjoy them as an alternative to chips or grind them with sea salt to create umami seasoning. Voila! 


The fat left in the pan is so much more than a nightmare to clean. The next time you roast a chicken, pour the fat into a jar, let it cool and store it in the freezer. Like bacon and duck fat, chicken fat adds flavour and can replace oil or butter. Use it to roast your potatoes and even as ‘butter’ on toast for a yummy, salty snack. 

Watch this video on how to store your chicken fat: 


Giblets can be controversial: you either throw them away, or treat them as a delicacy! If you’re unfamiliar with them, then know that they are the bundle of organs inside the chicken, including the neck, gizzard, kidneys, heart and liver. Chicken necks are delicious in stews, and sautéed chicken livers have become a popular dish in restaurants.  

Before you decide which camp you’re in, give it a go! Start with this yummy and budget-friendly saucy BBQ chicken livers with sweet potato röstis recipe 


Photography: Pexels

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