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Mini toad-in-the-holes

MAKES 6 // HANDS-ON 15 min // HANDS-OFF 10–15 min

2 tbsp olive oil, plus to grease
12 uncooked cocktail sausages
3 eggs
150 ml flour
150 ml milk
Salt and pepper
6 rosemary sprigs

1. Preheat oven to 220°C and grease a 6-hole muffin tray.
2. Place two sausages in each muffin hole and drizzle with oil. Bake for 20 minutes, until the sausages are brown.
3. Mix the eggs, flour and milk, beating until smooth. Season.
4. Pour batter over the sausages, filling each muffin hole ¾ of the way. Add a sprig of rosemary to each one.
5. Bake for 10–15 minutes, until the batter is golden brown and puffed up around the sausages. Serve immediately.

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