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Getting To Know Self-Taught Chef Sinoyolo Sifo

Looking for the perfect gift for your special someone this Valentine’s Day? A thoughtful 3-course meal might be just the answer. Still a kitchen newbie? Don’t sweat it! These tips from Sinoyolo Sifo will make you look (and feel) like a kitchen pro and will transform your evening into an unforgettable date night!    

Who is Sifo the cooking husband? Describe yourself in under ten words.  

  • Husband that cooks 
  • A pharmacist 
  • A cookbook author 

What’s a delicious 3-course meal idea for someone with zero cooking experience but really wants to impress their partner on Valentine’s Day? 

Starter: Creamy chicken livers with store-bought garlic roll
Mains: Pan-fried steak and creamy mash served with store-bought mushroom sauce
Dessert: Store-bought vanilla ice cream served with melted chocolate sauce  

Which pantry staples are essential for every newbie to whip up a quick and delicious meal?   

Pasta, rice, eggs, oil, spices, salt and pepper, baked beans/chakalaka – that’ll definitely do the trick

What’s your favourite dish to cook and why? 

Creamy chicken pasta. It’s so easy to make, it tastes delicious, and my wife loves it! Can’t go wrong if you ask me…  

Do you have any other passions besides cooking? What are they? 

I love traveling, gardening and listening to good music.  

Describe your perfect Valentine’s Day.  

Romantic dinner at a restaurant or in our home, with delicious food and an exquisite gift for my wife. I’m a sucker for love *wink, wink*.


What has been your proudest moment as a ‘chef’? 

I have a few! Being featured on TV, working with my favourite chefs, publishing my own cookbook and my cookbook winning Best Family Cookbook in SA at the 2022 Gourmand Awards. 

Quick facts  

What are 3 things no one knows about Sinoyolo/Sifo the cooking husband? 

  1. I’m shy 
  2. I work well under pressure 
  3. I do not like trifle 

Care to share your secret talent?  

I can sing! 

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?  

It would be flying. Having the ability to go anywhere I want to and see the world from a new perspective – that to me is amazing!  

Words by Chad January
Photography: Courtesy Images

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