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Clever Cooking Tips To Beat Load-Shedding

Load-shedding always seems to hit just as it’s time to cook. With the electricity more off than on recently, we’ve had to find clever ways to cook, heat our food, and, well, see what’s going on. Here are some tips: 

Stock up on pantry staples
Pantry staples come in handy when load-shedding catches you off-guard. Here is a list of food items to have in your pantry when you forgot to check your load-shedding schedule: 

Tinned fish like tuna, pilchards, sardines or even salmon
Tinned beans, chickpeas, chopped or whole tomatoes
Spreads and relishes like jams, preserves, peanut butter or marmit
Biscuits and rusks

Pro tip: Always keep a flask with hot water filled and ready. Use the water in the flask to cook the pasta, heat up some milk or enjoy an aromatic cuppa when you need it most. 


The good ol’ South African braai 
No power? No problem! Make it an event by sitting outside and cooking on the coals. Embrace the dark and have a fun, fireside evening. Cook anything from chicken wings and fish to yummy braaibroodjies and veggies. You can even make a delicious dessert on the fire.   

Prep light, no-cooking meals
Make anything from salads to tasty sandwiches. By preparing meals you don’t have to heat up, you can feed your family in time for lunch or dinner – and it’ll be just as yummy and nutritious as a warm, cooked meal. Keep your fridge stocked with salad leaves, tomatoes, avocados, peppers – and all your favourites to put in your salad. Adding a protein? Check the load-shedding schedule, cook the meat in advance, store it in the fridge and add it to your meal when it’s time to eat. 

Get a portable gas hob
By now, it’s a good idea to invest in a small gas hob to ensure you can still cook when modern advances fail you. It seems convenient to get takeaways every time load-shedding hits, but your bank account will thank you in the long run. Just ensure you use it responsibly and read up on the dos and don’ts of using gas. 



Invest in a non-electric slow cooker
Have you ever heard of the Wonderbag? This non-electric slow cooker will solve many of your ‘no electricity’ cooking qualms. Bring your meat, veggies and spices to a boil, then throw them in the Wonderbag. The retention technology of this slow cooker will continue cooking your food for up to 8 hours. No need to use any additional energy sources. No power cuts will stop you from enjoying a hearty, warm meal after a long day’s work. 


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