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Tuna and biscuit bake

Do you love tuna bake? Make a creamy and delicious base with a plain old box of Bacon Kips. 

SERVES 4 // HANDS-ON 10 min // HANDS-Off 20 min

200 g box Bacon Kips, crumbled
100 g cheddar, grated
1 brown onion, peeled and grated
250 ml milk
2 tsp butter
8 slices brown bread, crusts removed
2 × 170 g tin tuna, drained
4 eggs, lightly beaten
Salt and black pepper
Parmesan, to serve

1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
2. Line the base of an ovenproof dish with the crackers.
3. Mix the cheese and onion.
4. Microwave milk and butter until melted. Add bread, tuna, cheese and onion, and eggs to the milk mixture, then season. Spread over the cracker base.
5. Bake for 20 minutes until golden. Serve with Parmesan.

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